Tuesday, December 16, 2014

New Conventional 3% Down Program

Traditionally Conventional loans required a 20% down payment in order to qualify, pushing anyone without a 20% down payment to consider using an FHA loan. An FHA loan is not a bad option unless you are looking to purchase a single family home more than $271,050. This is where the new conventional 3% down program comes into play.

Lets say you wanted to purchase a home for $300,000. Unless you had $60,000 to put down on the home you would need to use an FHA loan. FHA would only cover $271,050, leaving you with $28,950 to come up with out of pocket as well as the original down payment, if any, on the type of FHA loan you qualified for. 

With the new 3% conventional loan you can now purchase that same $300,000 home with only $9,000 for a down payment! That sure beats $28,950 on an FHA and surely beats the original $60,000 for the old conventional loan. 

So a few things to consider...  Can you qualify? Qualifications- The loan must be approved through Fannie Mae's automated Desktop Underwriter system and one borrower must be a first time home buyer.

What can you buy? Eligible properties- One-unit, primary residence; planned unit development (PUD), and Fannie Mae eligible condominiums.

Financing- 97% financing with a 3% down payment (gift funds allowed). Closing costs may be paid by the property seller, employer assistance, or with gift funds.

What about Mortgage Insurance? Flexible plans and payment options for mortgage insurance. No upfront mortgage insurance required. Unlike some other loan programs, mortgage insurance drops off automatically when the loan is paid down to 78% loan to value. 

Is this the solution you have been looking for to make your dream home ownership come true? If so contact me today for more details!  

Josh Knicely
JK Realty

1 comment:

  1. Great information! Thanks for breaking it down in relatable and understandable terms. :)
